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Get involved

Help us with your time, expertise or money

We are all volunteers at the Saltaire Collection. Come and join us – we’re very active and there’s lots to do caring for the Collection, learning how to catalogue items, digitising items to increase access, helping out at exhibitions and events, even becoming a member of our board of trustees, and lots more…

If you don’t have the time to volunteer you can help the Collection enormously by donating to our funds. Even small amounts can make a big difference to us.

A1-055a: Dreams at Sea song sheet

Become a volunteer

Discover the wide range of volunteering opportunities at the Collection including caring for items, cataloguing items, digitising items and helping out at exhibitions and events 

Become a trustee

Find out more about the Collection’s charitable board of trustees, and opportunities for becoming full or associate members

Donate funds

Donate to help the Collection care for its items and continue its mission to secure the heritage of Saltaire and support learners of all ages

Join our monthly draw

What’s in the box? You can find out by joining our monthly prize draw. Winners receive a cash prize and get to know more about the contents of one of our archival boxes.

In the last few years the Saltaire Collection has successfully:

Catalogued 6000+ historical documents, maps, plans and images on a museums-standard database

Correctly stored archive items in acid free boxes and folders

Developed policies and procedures that meet national standards

Developed a wide range of learning resources

Received many visitors - international, national and regional - and assisted in new research

Established a new website holding the catalogue and many summary pieces about Saltaire’s heritage

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About us

Discover more about the Saltaire Collection, our aims, what we do, and our own history and exciting future as we move to being a fully accredited museum

Contact us

Find out how to get in touch if you have a query about getting involved with the Collection

Visit us

Visit us to find out more about the Collection and our activities


View our archive of news items to see the sorts of things the Collection does, including meeting Dan Snow